
On Tuesday word emerged that Iran's leading women's magazine has been ordered to close.
Un groupe de religieux modérés iraniens a mis en garde lundi contre la disqualification massive de candidats à l’approche des législatives prévues en mars, estimant “inutile” de participer, dans ces conditions, au scrutin.
Iranian police will crack down on women in Tehran flouting Islamic dress codes with winter fashions deemed immodest, such as tight trousers tucked into long boots, an officer was quoted as saying.
The latest in a string of arrests, One Million Signatures campaign member Jelveh Javaheri was imprisoned on Saturday, December 1 after undergoing interrogation at the security branch of the Revolutionary Courts.
“There is another line of defense: if you take these women, there are more behind them. We will be there, and you will hear our voices." - Fariba Davoodi Mohajer
"Sold into prostitution aged nine, condemned by an Iranian judge to hang at 18, Leila was saved by a group of human rights activists."
Zahra Bani Yaghoub was a 27-year-old medical university graduate from Tehran who some two years ago volunteered to work in the western city of Hamadan.
Le dernier épisode de cette confrontation fut hier « l’acquittement de Hossein Moussavian, porte-parole de l’ancienne équipe des négociateurs du nucléaire et proche des modérés du régime, prenant le contre-pied du gouvernement du président Ahmadinedjad »
"'Wearing Western-style clothes and insignias of deviant groups' (usually a reference to referring to Satanists or rappers), was on the list alongside 'production and distribution of decadent movies as well as private home-made videos'."
"Brisons le silence! Protestons contre la poursuite judiciaire des militantes féministes en Iran!"
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