Iran: More women's human rights defenders arrested

The latest in a string of arrests, One Million Signatures campaign member Jelveh Javaheri was imprisoned on Saturday, December 1 after undergoing interrogation at the security branch of the Revolutionary Courts.
She is the fourth campaign activist arrested since October.
Maryam Hosseinkhah, a journalist and active campaign member, was arrested on November 18 and remains in Evin prison. Ms. Javaheri and Ms. Hosseinkhah have both been charged with "inciting public opinion, propaganda against the state, and publication of false information on the website of the campaign" of Change for Equality, a campaign for freedom of speech and women's human rights.

Hana Abdi and Ronak Safazadeh, friends and active campaign members, were arrested in Kurdistan Province, Iran on October 10 and November 4 respectively, for unspecified reasons.

Also this past month, Delaram Ali was sentenced to 2 years 6 months in prison and 10 lashes for her participation in the June 12, 2006 peaceful protest in support of women's rights.

3 December 2007

See more at the Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) website.