
By providing news and information on Iranian female athletes, Sohirzanan strives to make visible the important contribution that women are making to the world of sports.
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the father of her 11 year old "illegitimate" child was stayed by the written order of the Head of Judiciary in Tehran addressed to the head of the judiciary branch in Takistan. The stoning had been scheduled for Thursday morning, local time, and the order came less than 24 hours before the scheduled time.
Le pouvoir judiciaire iranien a suspendu l'exécution d'un couple adultère par lapidation, prévue jeudi dans un cimetière de la ville de Takestan (nord-est), a rapporté mercredi l'agence Fars.
Le pouvoir judiciaire iranien a suspendu l'exécution d'un couple adultère par lapidation, prévue jeudi dans un cimetière de la ville de Takestan (nord-est), a rapporté mercredi l'agence Fars.
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the father of her 11 year old "illegitimate" child was stayed by the written order of the Head of Judiciary in Tehran addressed to the head of the judiciary branch in Takistan.
The Stop Stoning Forever Campaign invites all citizens of the world to contact the Iranian officials by phone and/or fax and ask them to stop the public stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimin, the 43 year old mother of three children, and her partner, the father of her 11 year old child. Please note that email may not be effective.

Also, please note the time difference since the stoning is scheduled for Thursday, 21 June 2007, in the morning, Tehran time, which is Wednesday evening and midnight in the US and Europe. Please act now before it is too late!

Le bureau de Showraye Tameen de la province de Ghazvin a publié l'ordre de lapider un homme et une femme en public demain.
The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her partner is scheduled to be carried out in public in the city of Takistan, Ghazvin, at 9:00 am on Thursday, June 21, for committing adultery and having a child out of wedlock.
La nouvelle de la programmation de la lapidation d'un homme et d'une femme dans la province de Ghazvin, Takistan, s'est fait connaître grâce à des messages envoyés par des portables ou internet.
A temporary marriage, or "sigheh," refers to a Shiite Muslim tradition under which a man and a woman sign a contract that allows them to be "married" for any length of time, even a few hours.
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