
A new proposed Family Protection Bill has been returned to the judiciary commission of the Iranian parliament as a result of backlash against the bill's most discriminatory provisions.
Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi slandered by the Iranian government-controlled news agency; activists are concerned for her safety.
The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! (SKSW Campaign) welcome the news that the sentence of four Iranians to die by stoning has recently been commuted by the Iranian judiciary. However, the SKSW Campaign could not celebrate quite yet...
Iran has suspended the punishment of death by stoning; Activists remain concerned
Reporters sans frontières demande aux autorités de cesser la répression qu'elles exercent à l'encontre des responsables de publications défendant les droits des femmes en Iran.
The One Million Signatures Campaign has reported several actions against Iranian women’s rights activists during the past week, including the arrest of one women's rights defender, indicating increased pressure against the women’s rights movement.
Six leaders of a group managing the Baha'i community's religious and administrative affairs in Iran were arrested at their homes by officers from the Ministry of Intelligence on 14 May 2008, and are now detained in Evin Prison in Tehran. A seventh person, acting secretary for the group, Mahvash Sabet, has been in detention since 5 March. The Baha'i community has long been persecuted by the Iranian government, especilly since the Iranian Revolution.
According to the information received, on June 18, 2008, Ms. Hana Abdi was sentenced to a prison term of five years on charges of “gathering and collusion to threaten national security”, for her peacful defence of human rights.
Police in Iran have begun a new campaign against Western-style clothing and hairstyles.
A female student in the Iranian city of Zanjan who alleged she was sexually harassed by a senior male lecturer - triggering a massive demonstration by her fellow students - has herself been arrested.
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