
Report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir.
Results of a baseline needs assessment carried out in northern Nigeria where hundreds of thousands of youth are exposed to higher levels of maternal mortality, forced to marry at lower ages, and have minimal access to modern family planning methods.
Resolution (S/RES/1325) is the first resolution ever passed by the Security Council that specifically addresses the impact of war on women, and women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace.
WLUML networkers feature among the 1000 women for peace.
A human rights activist has called for the enactment of distinct family status laws for Bahrain's various religious groups.
The Ontario government cancelled sharia tribunals last month, but the controversy has not gone away.
WLUML networkers are participating in the First International Congress on Islamic Feminism, Barcelona, 27-29 October 2005 at which the work of various associations in the field of women's rights in the Muslim world will be presented.
This article by Henri Pena Ruiz explains the concept and roots of secularism as it emerged in France.
Secularism as an alternative to fundamentalisms: questions for feminists
The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of more than 500 volunteers from Karachi, Gwadar, Dubai and large and small towns of all four provinces has been sending relief goods including emergency medicines and daily items to the disaster-hit areas.