
Turning Point is a community based, non-profit organization in New York which addresses the needs of Muslim women and children through crisis intervention, individual and group counseling, advocacy, outreach, education and training.
According to the Ministry of Public Works and Social Affairs, there has been a significant increase in cases of abuse against women, especially in the capital, Baghdad.
Rania al-Baz's popularity as a TV news presenter was always an implicit threat to Saudi Arabia's repressive, male-dominated culture but it wasn't until her husband beat her, and she published the photos of her injuries, that she shook Saudi society.
The vote of the Charter of Reconciliation.
Object to the policy of filtering, censorship and blocking of information on the Internet in Iran, particularly information related to women's issues and gender.
Working with local activist organizations and agents of change, the project has developed an approach to thinking about & struggling for rights through critical debate, creative and constructive solutions & an exchange of ideas & strategies.
For more than three decades now, I have given these three words a great deal of earnest consideration: Islam, Gender and Justice.
Mohamed al-Zulfa was a little-known member of the majlis al-shura (consultative council). A few months ago he became a celebrity when he turned a discussion about a new traffic law into a national debate about the right of women to drive cars.
Salma Qureshi, a computer programmer and British Muslim, tells the BBC of her ambition to become one of the UK's first female imams.
Though traditionally tolerant of women’s groups, the Karimov regime has been cracking down since the violence in Andijan in May. Women’s NGOs have been closed and pressure increased on activists.