
Here it the text of an article attributed to Antara news agency entitled: "HTI calls for unity for caliphate"; published by Indonesian newspaper Republika on 3 September 2005.
The North German city-state of Bremen has been directed not to allow a Muslim female teacher to teach after she refused to stop wearing a head scarf.
A Turkish immigrant has confessed to shooting dead his 23-year-old sister because he "could not accept her morals".
The 10th International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM) seeks to highlight politics, policies and issues that adversely affect women's health and simultaneously bring out the linkages and interconnections of these seemingly disparate phenomena.
An analysis of the history and the strains within a small Iraqi and non-Iraqi women's association in the UK.
A non-governmental organization, LAWA-Ghana Alumnae Incorporated comprising a group of women lawyers is advocating a complete ban and criminalization of polygamy under all forms of marriages in Ghana.
A series of coordinated blasts of over 400 bombs in 63 out of 64 districts on 17 August 2005 firmly put Bangladesh as another hotbed of terrorism.
Emphasizing 14 areas of concern regarding Israeli violations of rights of Palestinian women.
Any foreign male who wishes to marry a Yemeni woman must have an acceptance of marriage from the authority of his country.