
We recently conducted a gender training seminar for the Registry of the ICC, specifically for staff dealing with victims and witnesses, reparations and participation issues, and security personnel.
Australian girls as young as 14 have been flown overseas and forced to marry older men in an attempt by their families to protect them from promiscuity and Western influences at home.
The London bombings have prompted the UK government to outlaw Hizb ut Tahrir - a radical Islamic group that wants to replace secular governments with an Islamic Caliphate, or super-state run according to Sharia Law.
More than 50 people have been injured in a series of simultaneous bomb blasts across Bangladesh.
Women in the majority of Arab nations remain unable to pass their nationality on to their children.
Many women could not travel to be at the meeting in Jerusalem, so this website allows you to follow discussions and participate and feel connected to those at the meeting.
In what was widely seen as an apparent campaign against freedom of thought and religion, the state-sanctioned Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa outlawing liberal Islamic thoughts.
The world depends on Muslim feminists pushing for reform, writes Pamela Bone.
In the last few months, Iraqi women have witnessed with dismay the erosion of Iraq's secular family law.