
The United Nations expert on violence against women, on a 10-day fact-finding mission to Afghanistan, has interviewed female prisoners in Kabul and Kandahar.
Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader of the Muslim Parliament, told a Muslim conference in Birmingham, attended by over 3000 people, that they must confront extremism within their ranks if they wished to live in peace in Britain.
A young girl falls into a hole and enters a world of confusion and absurdity.
The Union Cabinet has approved the introduction of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 in Parliament.
Concern about Sharia law being the main source for legislation in the new Iraq Constitution.
UAE women will soon be given the right to end their marriage after petitioning the Sharia Court, paying compensation or returning the dowry to husbands.
An important UN comment/summary of the latest UN position on gender rights, due diligence, and state actors and the role of custom.
The National Forum of Women’s Movement Delegates of Kyrgyzstan gathered to discuss the new challenges arising before the women’s movement due to political unrest preceding and following the events of March 24, 2005.
In April 2005, a 2-day forum took place in Bishkek to perform an expert social assessment of the problems of, and possibilities for, the participation of women-activists and women’s organizations in the process of stabilization in Kyrgyzstan.
WLUML is sharing this article because of the important links it reveals between events in Daghestan and faraway Canada where the extreme Right within the Muslim community has attempted to introduce separate laws for Muslims.