
Gabeba received a doctorate in English and Media Studies from the University of Cape Town, with a thesis on images of Islam in South African media and art and has published widely on the topic of representations of Islam.
A working draft of Iraq's new constitution would cede a strong role to Islamic law and could sharply curb women's rights, particularly in personal matters like divorce and family inheritance.
Professor Yakin Ertürk, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights on violence against women, its causes and consequences, issued the following statement in Kabul today at the end of a visit to Afghanistan.
The network Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) extends its deepest condolences to the families of those killed and to those who suffered terrible injuries in the appalling bomb attacks in London on 7 July 2005.
For those of us living in London, the recent bombings in the British capital brought home the daily violence, the horror and fear of millions of people living in many places around the world.
We condemn the 'fatwa' issued by the Dar ul Uloom Deobandi, in the case of the rape by the father-in-law of Imrana of Muzzafarnagar, Uttar Pradesh.
Women human rights activists have protested in Pakistan's north-western city of Peshawar against a ban on female local election candidates.
An article which highlights the opinions of two North-African Muslim intellectuals residing in France. Leila Babès and Abdelwahhab Meddeb are regular commentators on the Morocco-based radio station Medi 1.
A bill critics say will seek Taleban-style moral policing is presented in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province.
Modern and progressive - social and cultural norms.