
When Sir Iqbal Sacranie, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, admitted that "our own children" had perpetrated the July 7 London bombings ...
Ever since Indonesia's highest Islamic authority, the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) issued 11 'fatwas' or edicts against liberal Islam, a fierce debate has begun raging in the world's most populous Muslim nation on what constitutes an Islamic society.
Communal ideology and women.
For some, multiple marriage offers a simple solution to the gender imbalance caused by conflict. But others say introducing the practice is the last thing Chechens need.
A conference of Muslim organisations in the country under the aegis of Supreme Council for Shariah in Nigeria (SCSN) weekend asked Muslim leaders to resist the promulgation of the Child Rights Act by the various state Houses of Assembly in the north.
In honour-and-shame cultures like those of India and Pakistan, male honour resides in the sexual probity of women, and the "shaming" of women dishonours all men.
Television viewers in Afghanistan were mesmerised recently by a hard-hitting edition of a TV programme, Corridors, on the privately-run Tolo TV station.
Muslim women in a small town in southern India have come together to form a community of elders or jamat, traditionally dominated by men. This is the first step towards their ultimate goal, building a mosque exclusively for women.
As campaigning begins for the September 18 polls for parliament and provincial councils, the Afghan government and international monitors must take special measures to protect women from attacks and intimidation by the Taliban and regional warlords.
Noura Abdurrahi's four children were crying from hunger, and she knew there was food in the house. But her husband, Musa, had locked it away, out of her reach, when he had left to search for work the previous week.