
Malaysia is moving to protect the financial rights of first wives whose husbands take another spouse, according to the New Straits Times.
What has changed and how? An interview with Asma Jehangir - Human Rights activist, Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) - who speaks on strategies of change in the context women's rights in Pakistan.
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice have recently initiated a collaborative research project with the University of Sydney, Australia on use of the Rome Statute to advance and promote women’s human rights domestically.
Sending girls overseas for marriage against their will was "tantamount to sexual trafficking" and offenders would be severely punished, the federal Government has warned.
The aim of this initiative is to make known the emerging movement of Muslim women in favour of gender equality and to seek greater coordination between Muslim women and the international feminist movement. It will take place in Barcelona - 27-29 October.
Information on the Catholic Action Group (CAG), a small but very vocal conservative group in the UK, launched in 2005 and opposed to initiatives concerning sexual health and reproductive rights.
WLUML networkers have contributed to this special issue of the Muslim World Journal of Human Rights - "From the Field": Islam and human rights advocacy for social change in local contexts.
It is women who have borne the responsibility of promoting reconciliation and healing at the local level. It is women who receive refugees and ex-combatants during war. Women should be at the negotiating table in Abuja.
Final report of this conference held in May 2005, which contributed to the mobilization of feminist organizations & movements in Canada and Quebec, to resist the Ontario government's plans to allow the use of religious arbitration in family law.
In last couple of months number of controversial fatwas have been issued and media is strongly reacting to these fatwas.