
Divergent as competitors at the upcoming parliamentary elections may be, Reem Leila finds out, female under-representation is one thing they have in common.
MADRE, an international women’s human rights organization, is partnering with the Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Center in Pakistan to deliver emergency aid to women and families in remote regions devastated by the October 8th earthquake.
President Ravalomanana has recently come under fire for his outspoken religious views which critics say marginalise smaller religions. In a recent church service, he shocked colleagues and critics alike when he said that he "dreams of a Christian nation".
Women rights activists are about to launch an aggressive campaign in support of the proposed Family Law that has faced rejection from religious scholars because it lacks the Shari'a laws.
On October 14th the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced the issue of arrest warrants for 5 leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), the rebel group in Northern Uganda. These are the first arrest warrants issued by the Court.
In a tribal village Tejgarh in rural Vadodara in Gujarat, economic boycott continues vigorously against the petty local Muslim traders even today.
Sapa reports the welcome news that a group of prominent muslim clerics in Somalia have issued a fatwa against female genital mutilation.
As the country celebrates the centenary of the separation of Church and State, Islam is seen as the biggest challenge to the country's secular model in the past 100 years.
The campaign, which was launched in July, is being held under the slogan My Nationality is My Right and that of My Children and is part of a regional push.