
Nigerian lawyer Hauwa Ibrahim, who was instrumental in defending Amina Lawal in 2003, has been awarded the 2005 Sakharov Prize.
On 17 November 2005 at Johns Hopkins, women leaders from Muslim-majority societies will discuss strategies for the creation of egalitarian communities and reform of family law based on women's capability to choose.
Divorce and other family law matters in Ontario will no longer be settled through sharia or any other faith-based system under legislation proposed yesterday.
As part of a series on French Muslims, the BBC News website's Henri Astier reports on efforts to build a home-grown version of Islam.
A progress report on weeks three and four (22 October - 4 November 2005) after the earthquake.
Shirkat Gah feels an urgent need to document JAC-ERE and selected civil society initiatives on a priority basis to facilitate the identification of the most urgent needs and will also be undertaking monitoring and advocacy.
UNFPA warns that some 17,000 earthquake-affected women in Pakistan are expected to give birth in the next two months. An estimated 1,200 of them will face major complications and about 400 will require surgical assistance.
In the current context of assertive 'fundamentalisms', an opinion that is often voiced is that a re-emphasis on secularism or, more specifically, the secular state would address (and by implication, control) these undesirable forms of religiosity.
Feminist activist and political theorist Marieme Hélie-Lucas will give the 9th Annual Dame Nita Barrow public lecture ''Women Living Under Muslim Laws'' on Tuesday, 15 Nov, 19:00 George Ignatieff Theatre, 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, Canada.
The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights has summarised the Freedom House survey on women’s rights in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates & Yemen.