
EWIC is envisioned as a broad based, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, transhistorical encyclopedia, focusing specifically on women and Islamic cultures, but also including non-Muslim women in cultures where Islam has had a significant presence.
Morocco is about to join the short list of Arab countries that enable both parents to confer citizenship on their children. Activists are still pressing to eliminate exceptions in the proposed law.
A delegation of Turkish MPs is visiting the south-east of the country as part of parliament's first research into "honour killings".
This new publication, edited by Lynn Welchman and Sara Hossain, arises from the practical insights and experiences of individuals and organisations addressing so-called ‘honour crimes’ in different geographic and social contexts.
The first results from the election show the country is dividing between Shia, Sunni & Kurdish regions. Religious fundamentalists now have the upper hand. Islamic fundamentalist movements are more powerful in both the Sunni & Shia communities.
This story has grave implications, not merely as a case of atrocities on 'religious minorities' but where an ideology of religious genocide uses such a technique on young 'unmarried' women - whether through threat of rape or this kind of imprisonment.
Hosni Mubarak has been president of Egypt for 24 years, and repressive 'emergency laws' have been in force throughout. Finally, Egyptians have had enough. This is Ahdaf Soueif's diary of a long, hot summer of protest that shows no sign of ending.
On Friday, France marked 100 years since the separation of Church and State. With Islam on the rise in the restive suburbs, French-style secularism is being questioned.
The Muslim Women's games were created to give women athletes an opportunity for international competition.
According to some, despite Russia's secular status Christian symbolism is becoming ever more pervasive in official circles.