
Palestinian women seize opportunity to assert their rights.
The Muslim cleric who conducted the ceremony said it was legal, even though the pair had never met, reports the AP news agency.
Chechnya has lost so many men to war that survivors should be legally allowed to take several wives, acting Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov has said.
This exhibition looks at the diversities and commonalities of women’s dress through space and time, highlighting the influence of many forces – class, status, region, work, religious interpretation, ethnicity, urban/rural, politics, fashion, climate etc.
Recognizing the Un-Recognized: Inter-Country Cases and Muslim Marriages & Divorces in Britain. A policy research by Women Living Under Muslim Laws, 2005.
More popular than Oprah Winfrey, the world's first Islamic television evangelist commands an army of millions of followers.
Greater notice needs to be taken in the region of the creeping inroads being made by fanaticism in Bangladesh. Some recent developments there have an eerie resemblance to events in Pakistan.
"Because of the prohibition of all organisations in opposition to the "party" of the Shah, the opposition tended to gather in the mosques.