
Samira Munir, Norwegian politician of Pakistani origin, died in mysterious circumstances on 14/11/05. Police hinted it may have been suicide. This is not impossible, but she received many death threats during her fight for the rights of Muslim women.
Women are mobilizing women around the globe to call for an end to the occupation and the violence in Iraq. On 1 January 2006, with the launch of Women Say No To War Campaign, women around the world are asked to sign on to the Women’s Call for Peace.
The mayhem being perpetrated by Islamist extremists in Bangladesh is so widespread, and the threat of worse to come so real, that there is now a sense of crisis in the air. And it is time too.
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports.
Egyptian police turned water cannons on Sudanese war refugees and beat them with sticks Friday, seeking to end a three-month protest at the ramshackle squatters camp in a small city park.
Lawyers for the dead man's relatives say the ruling leaves non-Muslims little protection in family disputes considered under Islamic law.
With meaningful political influence a distant dream, the social consequences of effective disenfranchisement are dire.
Thirty practitioners of female circumcision in Abidjan have publicly laid aside their blades, knives and scissors. This is the result of an ongoing campaign led by the National Organisation for the Child, the Woman and the Family.
Report back from a conference organized on 31st October to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
Most Central Asians maintain a largely secular worldview but among those searching for a new ethnic or national identity, there is renewed interest in religious ideas. Radical Islamic political ideas have also arrived from elsewhere in the Muslim world.