International: Patriarchies and fascisms - secular and religious varieties

Vivienne Wee
In the current context of assertive 'fundamentalisms', an opinion that is often voiced is that a re-emphasis on secularism or, more specifically, the secular state would address (and by implication, control) these undesirable forms of religiosity.
At the recent AWID conference in Bangkok (27-30 October 2005), WLUML organised a session to discuss this issue: "Secularisms as alternatives to fundamentalisms: questions for feminists".
At this session, Vivienne Wee gave a presentation called "Patriarchies and fascisms: secular and religious varieties". In this presentation, she challenges the presumption that secularism is a cure for patriarchal oppression and asks why we are now in an age of new patriarchies, both secular and religious. She welcomes criticisms and comments which may be sent to her at:

Click here to view the presentation (in Powerpoint).