UN: Fifth Anniversary of Resolution 1325 (2000)
WUNRN Resolution (S/RES/1325) is the first resolution ever passed by the Security Council that specifically addresses the impact of war on women, and women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace.
In 2000, the Security Council adopted its landmark resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security. Resolution 1325 and the three subsequent presidential statements on women, peace and security (S/PRST/2001/31, S/PRST/2002/32 and S/PRST/2004/40) provide a solid framework for action.
These documents call for concrete steps to be taken by the United Nations system, Member States and civil society actors in the areas of conflict prevention and early warning; peacemaking and peacebuilding; peacekeeping operations; humanitarian response; post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration.
Resolution 1325 and the subsequent presidential statements stress the importance of women's equal participation and full involvement in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security. The resolution underscores the responsibility to protect women and girls from human rights abuses, including gender-based violence; and emphasizes the vital importance of mainstreaming gender perspectives in all aspects of conflict prevention, resolution, and reconstruction. While previous reviews of the level of implementation have revealed progress achieved in a number of areas, these reviews have also clearly shown that much stronger and coordinated efforts are needed to reach the goal of full implementation of resolution 1325.
On 27 October 2005, the Security Council will hold an open debate on women, peace and security to review a system-wide action plan for the implementation of resolution 1325, and to discuss actions and mechanisms needed for future implementation. The 2005 open debate will focus on the issue of women's participation in peace processes - and thus build on the 2005 World Summit Outcome. At the World Summit, Heads of State and Government recognized the importance of women having the opportunity for equal participation and full involvement in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security, as well as the need to increase their role in decision-making at all levels.
For more information, history and analysis visit the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom website at: www.peacewomen.org/un/UN1325/1325index.html
Resolution 1325 and the subsequent presidential statements stress the importance of women's equal participation and full involvement in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security. The resolution underscores the responsibility to protect women and girls from human rights abuses, including gender-based violence; and emphasizes the vital importance of mainstreaming gender perspectives in all aspects of conflict prevention, resolution, and reconstruction. While previous reviews of the level of implementation have revealed progress achieved in a number of areas, these reviews have also clearly shown that much stronger and coordinated efforts are needed to reach the goal of full implementation of resolution 1325.
On 27 October 2005, the Security Council will hold an open debate on women, peace and security to review a system-wide action plan for the implementation of resolution 1325, and to discuss actions and mechanisms needed for future implementation. The 2005 open debate will focus on the issue of women's participation in peace processes - and thus build on the 2005 World Summit Outcome. At the World Summit, Heads of State and Government recognized the importance of women having the opportunity for equal participation and full involvement in all efforts to maintain and promote peace and security, as well as the need to increase their role in decision-making at all levels.
For more information, history and analysis visit the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom website at: www.peacewomen.org/un/UN1325/1325index.html
Submitted on Tue, 11/01/2005 - 00:00
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