
Ten of the twelve women’s rights activists detained last week as they were planning private New Year visits have been released on bail. Two of them however, Khadijeh Moghadam and Mahboubeh Karami, remain in Evin prison.
As Turkey cracks down on 'honour killings', women told: 'You have dishonoured your family, please kill yourself'.
This is a report circulated by Azar Majedi, chairperson of the Organization for Women’s Liberation and a member of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran (WPI) leadership.
Ten of those arrested are members of the One Million Signatures Campaign. The activists were arrested on 26 March 2009, on Sohrevardi Avenue in Tehran, while meeting up to go for New Years visits of families of imprisoned social and political activists.
On his first visit to Africa, the Pope told journalists that the continent's fight against the disease is a problem that “cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms: on the contrary, they increase it”.
Some 200 secular, religious and media groups from around the world on Wednesday urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to reject a call from Islamic countries for a global fight against "defamation of religion."
Marnie Pearce, 40, has not seen her sons – Laith, seven, and Ziad, four – since she was imprisoned in the Arab emirate last month.
All the victims were older people (80 years and above), and four of the five burnt to death were women.
Krishni Ifham Kanthasamy, President of the Tamil Speaking Women Media Organisation, says there has never been a time when Tamil speaking women journalists felt as threatened as they are today.
A new publication discusses entry points and opportunities for engaging men in work on gender equality, focusing on issues of violence, health, fatherhood, the workplace and the need to engage youth.