
Mariam Gagoshashvili and Mozn Hassan, two young feminists from Georgia and Egypt respectively, offer their reaction to AWID Associate Scholar Srilatha Batliwala's paper, "Changing their World" on the concepts and practices of women’s movements.
Statement of Iranian Women’s Movement in Support of Women in Afghanistan Against their New Family Law. Also About 300 Afghan women walked the streets of the capital on Wednesday to demand that Parliament repeal a new law.
Village chiefs, community members and women who perform female genital cutting have signed an agreement stating that girls in northern Kambia district will not undergo genital mutilation – or ‘cutting’ – before age 18.
Mashoor Basissy, MOWA’s director in the West Bank, brings a fresh male perspective to the growing problem of domestic violence against Palestinian women.
A group of around 30 women began a fast unto death, on 13 April, to demand the cessation of hostilities in Sri Lanka.
In addition to family law, another site of tension between the state and religious groups is the constitution.
The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights says Misyar marriage is An Insult to Men and Women, and an Endorsement for the Trafficking of Women.
An interview with Lina Abou Habib, the Executive Director of the Collective for Research and Training on Development – Action, a Lebanon based organisation involved in the regional Equality without Reservation campaign.
GVEI starts from the hypothesis that the existing systems of indicators of GV at the European level do not pay attention to the specific and multidimensional effects that violence against women has on women’s life.
Given the strict censorship the Islamic Republic government places on state television, print, and radio, Iranians are using nuanced techniques for spreading information.