
The high cost of walwar, or bride price, is preventing many young men and women from getting married.
Girls in Swat have been "allowed" to go to school, but he issues a warning: they must be covered from head to toe on their way to school and back.
Burundian AIDS activists and international human rights groups have condemned a new criminal code that criminalises homosexuality in the central African country.
Five years after legal reforms were made to Morocco's family code, the "Moudawana", research professor Hakima Fassi-Fihri and film director Zakia Tahiri assess whether changes have been felt by Moroccan society.
International consensus is now well-established around the central role of women’s ability to own, inherit and control property in achieving economic development and empowerment. But property rights are often defined through customary & religious laws.
Sertaç Sehlikoğlu Karakaş, a Women Living Under Muslim Laws' networker, examines how Turkey's hybrid secular-Muslim identity has affected its commitment to empowering women.
Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, who was jailed for eight years for spying earlier this month, has pledged to stay on hunger strike until she is released.
Maryam Malek a member of the One Million Signatures Campaign, was transferred to Evin Prison on April 26, 2009.
Those who think that Algerians have been passive victims of their country's political problems need look no further than the Algerian women's movement for a change of mind.
Delegates to the Durban Review Conference in Geneva adopted a final Outcome Document on 21 April. After a less than perfect process, characterised by polarisation and withdrawals, the Outcome Document was adopted without any changes or amendments.