
The Iranian women’s movement, which in the past years has pursued various ways and means of voicing the demands of Iranian women, and actively sought to achieve these, is on the occasion of the tenth Iranian presidential elections forming a coalition.
Nicaragua’s obligations under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment are examined in light of Amnesty International’s research findings from recent country visits.
Zed Books have recently reissued four of Saadawi's books: Walking Through Fire, A Daughter of Isis, Circling Song and Searching.
Reporters Without Borders is concerned about freedom of expression in Bahrain. In the past couple of months, two journalists have been charged because of what they wrote and the information ministry has stepped up Internet filtering.
Fears are growing for the safety of the doctors who acted as the eyes and ears of the world during the Sri Lankan army's final assault on the Tamil Tigers's last stronghold in the north-east of the country.
"As an elected representative for Farah, Afghanistan, I add my voice to those condemning the NATO bombing that claimed over 150 civilian lives in my province earlier this month", writes Joya.
US-educated Aseel al-Awadhi and Rola Dashti were among winners in the third district, official results declared.
A bold attempt to resolve a protracted problem has yet again revealed the rifts among Malaysians in matters of religion.
Taliban militants blamed after 90 pupils poisoned in third attack on girls' school in three weeks.
A Saudi judge told a conference on domestic violence that a man has the right to slap a wife who spends money wastefully and said women were as much to blame as men for increased spousal abuse, a Saudi newspaper reported.