
On 18 June 2009, the UN Human Rights Council approved five candidates for special procedure mandates, including new Special Rapporteurs on the independence of judges and lawyers and on violence against women.
The presence of Zahrad Rahnavard, the wife of Mir Hussein Moussavi, was a significant factor in the election, writes Janet Afary, author of “Sexual Politics in Modern Iran.”
Today, the Human Rights Council will consider a 'resolution on traditional values'.
Activists working for the rights of LGBT people in many countries are still under-resourced, unnecessarily isolated, and vulnerable to violent backlash even after four decades of struggle, according to a Human Rights Watch report.
While Lebanese women today enjoy senior positions in the private sector, political appointments have all but eluded them.
The Iranian government should immediately end its violent repression of largely peaceful nationwide protests following last Friday’s presidential elections, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran and Human Rights Watch said today.
A Saudi court has authorized the payment of SR200,000 in blood money to the family of Suryati Bint Dulbari Nurisman, an Indonesian maid in her 20s the authorities say was tortured and beaten to death by a Saudi housewife.
Israeli Police and military brutalize peaceful international protesters of Israel's invasion of Gaza, illegal settlements and the apartheid wall at Netanyahu’s Speech.
UNDAW/DESA and UNECA convened an expert group meeting on good practices in legislation to address harmful practices, to be held at the United Nations at Addis Ababa, from 25 to 28 May 2009.
The members of the National Alliance for Legalizing the Protection of Women from Family Violence did not get the result they were expecting when the bill for the Protection of Women from Family Violence was listed number 1 on the Cabinet’s agenda.