
While one could think that aspects relating to sexuality would come into this debate as one of the key dimensions of human development, main obstacles remain, which make it difficult to more fully incorporate sexuality as development priority.
On Thursday, the insurgents used long knives to cut off a hand and a foot each from four young men in Mogadishu as punishment for theft, witnesses said.
The rise of religious fundamentalism and the prevalence of conservative values, such as a belief in the primacy of men over women, have led many people to hold a negative perception of Islam in Indonesia.
They helped bring down the shah – and 30 years on they refuse to be cowed by Iran's Islamic regime.
Five years after France prohibited the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in public schools, a movement is gathering momentum here for a more radical measure: outlawing the wearing of the burqa in public.
This law allocating seats for women in the People's Assembly has come after more than 25 years of women's numbers decreasing in the parliament.
Zhila Bani-Yaghoub and her spouse, Bahman Amouiee, are among the undersigned but have since been arrested and are currently among the detainees.
Faced with a significant lack of consensus around its “traditional values” resolution, Russia announced that there were “still issues to be addressed” and that the resolution would not be presented for a vote, but deferred until the September session.
The state's duty to protect the right to life has been applied in a domestic violence context for the first time in Turkey.
The Obama administration has brought some measure of sanity to public health policy, cutting most abstinence-only education funding from the 2010 budget. But abstinence organizations are not going away. In fact, they're getting organized.