
Lebanon's first and long-awaited book on the lives of queer women and transgender people in Lebanon is published by Meem.
The draft would have incited religious and sectarian tensions and violated all the rights of woman and children in Syria, as well as the rights of the man, writes Bassam El-Kadi.
A travel ban placed on Nargess Mohammadi in May 2009, while she was on her way to attend a conference convened by the Nobel Women’s Initiative in Guatemala, prevented her from attending this ceremony.
A hotly debated draft law to regulate the work of NGOs in Iraq will be discussed in parliament this month although its approval is not expected soon, a lawmaker told IRIN.
Women's groups in embattled Mogadishu are stepping into the aid vacuum to assist thousands more displaced by fighting in the capital, civil society activists said.
New guidance is being published urging schools to identify signs of forced marriages ahead of the holidays.
An Indian court ruled gay sex was not a crime, a verdict that will bolster demands by gay and health groups that the government scrap a British colonial law, which bans homosexual sex.
Syria has scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences handed down to men convicted of killing female relatives they suspect of having illicit sex.
To date, five months after the end of Operation “Cast Lead”, the Israeli authorities have failed to establish any independent and impartial investigation into the conduct of their forces and actively oppose any such investigations being established.
"I am a Muslim, I am a feminist and I detest the full-body veil, known as a niqab or burqa", writes Mona Eltahawy