
Two researchers crunching population statistics have confirmed an unsettling reality. Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray noticed the ratio of women to men in developing regions and in some cultures is suspiciously below the norm.
The latest spotlighting on SIS — just one of many through the 20 years of the NGO's existence — began on 7 June 2009 when the PAS muktamar passed without debate a resolution calling for the National Fatwa Council to investigate SIS.
On Wednesday, 10 June 2009, Sahdia Abu Sa'ad, from Deir al-Balah refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, was killed allegedly "to maintain family honor."
The European Parliament passed a resolution on March 24th, 2009, to fight female genital mutilation (FGM) in the EU.
The National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRDs) organized a small ceremony on 7 June in Maitighar Mandala to commemorate Laxmi Bohara, Women Human Rights Defender, Kanchanpur who was murdered on the same date by her husband.
Karima Bennoune discusses the speech of President Barack Obama of 4 June 2009.
Solidaritas Perempuan is coordinating the campaign "Stop Regional Policies that Discriminate and Criminalise Women" was launched on 28 April 2008, and is a 'sister campaign' to the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women.
Marieme Helie Lucas asks, 'Where are women and secularists of Muslim countries in Obama's speech in Cairo?'
Dr George Tiller's murder underlines there is no common ground with anti-abortion zealots.
Expert Group Meeting on Good Practices in Legislation on Violence Against Women.