
Support the voices of these African women and enable Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to raise their demands with decision makers, including the international community, national governments and non-governmental agencies.
International rights groups have welcomed the release of nine AIDS activists in Senegal, who were sentenced in January for their sexual orientation.
Two weeks since the proclamation of the 30-day state of emergency, scores of Fijian media and social movements continue to grope in the dark, performing their duties albeit with extreme caution.
The global fight to end violence against women and girls gathered momentum as the European Parliament called on the European Commission to designate a “European Year on Zero Tolerance of Violence against Women” to highlight the issue in the next 5 years.
Sharaf Heroes is an anti-honour violence project launched in 2003 by the anti-racist and feminist Swedish organisation Electra. It seeks to educate young men from different backgrounds and religions in human rights and equality.
The international community must act immediately to resolve the political and humanitarian crises facing Sudan, said a panel of leading Sudan experts at a briefing here Tuesday, and ensure that any peace process formally include women’s input.
Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands have all joined the US and Israel in announcing their withdrawal from the Geneva conference.
A Saudi judge refused for the second time to grant an eight-year-old girl a divorce from her 47-year-old husband. The Unaizah Court ruled that the girl cannot file for divorce until she reaches puberty.
The situation has reached a point of extreme urgency. With the government having resumed its military offensive after a two-day pause, the approximately 100,000 civilians trapped between the army and the LTTE are now at grave risk of mass atrocities.
As organized killings of Iraqi gays have escalated in recent months amid a homophobic campaign in that nation's media, openly gay Democratic Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado has asked the US State Department to investigate.