
Nawal al-Samarraie resigned last month to protest the lack of resources for women, accusing the government of not making women's needs a priority.
Thousands of women attended the International Colloquium for Women's Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security hosted March 7-10 by Finnish President Tarja Halonen and Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said the number of seats reserved for women in Bangladesh parliament would be raised from 45 at present.
There are indications that some Taliban groups fervently oppose the use of contraceptives and may start using the issue as a pretext to launch further attacks on health centres, experts say.
A report by the international NGO ActionAid, backed by the South African Human Rights Commission, condemns the culture of impunity around these crimes of what are called "corrective rape".
Human Rights Council concludes on 12 March interactive dialogue on freedom of religion or belief and on human rights defenders.
The proposed Bill "to Prohibit Marriage between Persons of Same Gender, Solemnization of Same and for Other Matters Related Therewith" in Nigeria dramatically increase vulnerability to HIV infection of people practicing same-sex sex.
Despite the fact that there have been national guidelines introduced by the CPS in preventing violence against women, and also training for those who handle such cases, women are still being failed and the issue of victim credibility questioned.
According to the local officials of Herat province, a 45-year-old woman committed self-immolation due to ‘poverty and mental pressures’.
The expulsion of 13 aid groups from Sudan is more than a humanitarian crisis. It may reignite regional conflicts in the country – and beyond, say analysts.