
For the first time in the history of Palestine, two women were appointed as judges to the Islamic Sharia court in the West Bank cities of Hebron and Ramallah.
Two Iranian women labor activists, convicted for participating in May Day celebrations, have been punished by flogging, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today.
The murder of a Pakistani-American woman forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the prevalence of domestic violence.
AFF joins Malagasy women in condemning the use of violence to silence dissenting voices, which is becoming a recurrent feature of political crises in many African countries.
A call for equality and justice "in the Muslim family" is being launched by a group of Muslim scholars and activists who insist that in the 21st century "there cannot be justice without equality" between men and women.
After decades of civil war, at least 100,000 Tamil civilians are caught between the Tamil Tigers, who refuse to let them travel freely, and the Sri Lankan government, which refuses to stop firing at them.
A woman who fled Iran after her girlfriend was arrested and sentenced to death in Tehran has won her battle to be granted asylum in Britain.
Nora bint Abdullah Al-Fayez was appointed by royal decree as the deputy education minister for girls’ affairs.
Pakistan is to impose Islamic law in a vast region of the north-west called Malakand in an attempt to placate extremists, even as President Asif Zardari warns that they are "trying to take over the state".
In the week that rape-victim Mukhtar Mai faces interference in her case, women commemorate the day Pakistani women protested against the rescinding of women’s rights in the name of religion by a military dictator in 1983.