
Ravalomanana and Rajoelina had agreed to suspend public protests during the talks, put a halt to arrests "of a political nature", and stop violence and looting on the giant Indian Ocean island.
There are many laws that are still discriminatory towards women and even those laws that do protect women are not enforced properly.
The seven defendants, five men and two women, stand accused of “espionage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic republic”.
The empowering story of the ‘Women in Black’ movement. An organisation set-up by Israeli women, but now joined by women the world over, all trying to bring peace through non-violent direct activism.
Although Yemen's parliament has agreed to set the minimum age for marriage at 17, there are concerns the decision may be rescinded as some members of parliament (MPs) say the amendments violate Sharia (Islamic) law.
The ban on co- education for girls in madrassas from class XI will virtually bring to a halt the education of 25,000 girls in Uttar Pradesh.
Women had been fighting fundamentalism on the streets of London for years before The Satanic Verses, writes a member of Southall Black Sisters, Rahila Gupta, on Comment is Free.
Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist Hina Jilani says 'Fight Terror But Follow Due Process'.
"We have just avoided discussing or dealing with this matter head on. There has to be a culture change."
26 unmarried couples may face six-months imprisonment.