
Children are being killed, witnessing their family and parents killed, being separated, and suffering injuries including burns, fractures, shrapnel and bullet wounds.
More than 15 African Ministers from Africa are attending the Commission on the Status of Women session in New York and call for countries to take into account the unique perspective of African women.
Mona Said Thabet went to a police station north of Cairo after she was assaulted by two men at her sister's home. The men were reported to have been police informers.
The women’s rural network said a permanent presence of prosecutors devoted to rape cases is needed close to where they live to ensure cases are handled without delay.
AWID interview with Eilat Maoz of the Coalition of Women for Peace, an Israeli organization that works for peace in Israel and Palestine.
There continues to be political interference in this case and regular serious threats to Ms Mai's life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against the 13 accused of gang-raping her in 2002.
More than 80 attacks and cases of moral policing have been reported from all over Karnataka in the last six months.
The campaign's aim is to call on African states to ratify international and regional women's human rights protection instruments and to respect them in law and practice.
The percentage of Shiite representatives in the country's institutions is on the decline. In the year 2003 the figure was 18%; it now stands at 13%.
Some widows have been coerced into “temporary marriages”, others have become prostitutes, and some have joined the insurgency in exchange for steady pay.