UPDATE: Pakistan: Mukhtar Mai’s case scheduled for Wednesday March 4th

WLUML Networkers
There continues to be political interference in this case and regular serious threats to Ms Mai's life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against the 13 accused of gang-raping her in 2002.
Since 2005, Mukhtar Mai’s case was pending before the Supreme Court without any hearings being scheduled. On February 11th, 2009, Mukhtar Mai’s case was indefinitely adjourned for “date in office” (which means the Court reschedules the next hearing depending on the availability of the judges on the bench).
Update on: http://wluml.org/english/newsfulltxt.shtml?cmd[157]=x-157-563578

Ms Mai was just informed by the office of her council Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan that her case had been scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th, 2009. This is an astonishing move. Now, just after the Federal Minister for Defence Production Sardar Abdul Qayyum Jatoi pressured Mukhtar Mai to drop the charges against her perpetrators, this hearing is the third within a month.

The Mukhtar Mai Women's Welfare Organization calls upon all supporters of Mukhtar Mai to immediately use whatever influence they can bring to bear to take action on this matter. Please contact the highest levels of the Pakistani government and request their assurance that the judiciary will maintain their independence in the face of alleged political pressure.

Although there is very little time to act, the Welfare Organization believe that every effort can make a difference to ensure the court remains free and fair.

Please see WLUML’s Call for Action: