
Des millions de femmes s’engagent quotidiennement pour promouvoir la paix. Elles prennent soin de survivants, elles favorisent la reconstruction et créent une nouvelle culture de la paix.
The recent controversy over the leading of Friday prayers by an African-American woman has brought the gender issue to the forefront of the Muslim world, writes Imtiyaz Yusef.
Plusieurs milliers de femmes, venues de 35 pays, se sont retrouvées, 28 et 29 mai, à Marseille, étape française de la Marche mondiale des femmes qui, partie de Brésil, doit arriver à Burkina Faso en octobre, après un long périple en Europe et en Océanie.
Last week the ICC held consultations on the draft Regulations of the Registry. These regulations relate to the implementation of the Registry’s mandate and responsibilities as outlined in the Rome Statute.
When culture harms the girls - the globalisation of female genital mutilation.
An interview with Mary Jane N. Real, the Women Human Rights Defenders’ International Coordinating Committee (WHRD-ICC) Coordinator.
Margot Badran is a historian & a specialist of gender studies focused on the Middle East & Islamic world. She did her MA from Harvard University & DPhil from Oxford University. She acquired a diploma in Arabic and Islam from Al Azhar University, Cairo.
Violence against women and girls is a human rights and public health emergency worldwide. We call on you to join us to take action to end violence against women and hold our governments accountable for women’s access to health!
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