
WLUML will be participating in the next AWID forum, where up to 2,000 women’s rights leaders and activists from around the world will debate the urgent question, "How does change happen?" from October 27-30, 2005.
When Sir Iqbal Sacranie, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, admitted that "our own children" had perpetrated the July 7 London bombings ...
We recently conducted a gender training seminar for the Registry of the ICC, specifically for staff dealing with victims and witnesses, reparations and participation issues, and security personnel.
The world depends on Muslim feminists pushing for reform, writes Pamela Bone.
Avec les attentats de Londres et de Charm El-Cheikh, le problème de la lutte antiterroriste est redevenu prioritaire dans le monde entier.

This volume seeks to address issues of concern to women in Muslim countries and communities around the concepts of identity, politics, movements, and alliances. Crucial to identity politics is the fraught question of alliances: all the articles, ultimately, address this question.

It is hardly surprising that Muslims feel singled out for unfavorable categorization by the West. AIDS is a global threat which is ravaging Africa and threatens to do the same in populous Asia.
The symposium provided a forum for women activists from primarily Muslim-majority countries to discuss their experiences facing challenges and creating effective strategies to eliminate violence against women.
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