
"Une seule femme, cela ne suffit pas", telle est la devise de Hayam Dorbek, une journaliste égyptienne mère de deux enfants, qui va tête nue, habillée à l'occidentale.
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice have recently initiated a collaborative research project with the University of Sydney, Australia on use of the Rome Statute to advance and promote women’s human rights domestically.
The aim of this initiative is to make known the emerging movement of Muslim women in favour of gender equality and to seek greater coordination between Muslim women and the international feminist movement. It will take place in Barcelona - 27-29 October.

The Unholy Alliance between some progressives and the fundamentalists has sought to take advantage of state policies of multiculturalism and the painful realities of continuing racial discrimination to demand special rights for the ‘Muslim community ’. But these special rights inevitably involve anti-women practices and highly regressive interpretations of Islam. They also unquestioningly presume that all migrants from Muslim contexts identify as Muslim.

WLUML networkers have contributed to this special issue of the Muslim World Journal of Human Rights - "From the Field": Islam and human rights advocacy for social change in local contexts.
In last couple of months number of controversial fatwas have been issued and media is strongly reacting to these fatwas.
There are various models of Constitutions in the world. This write-up is not looking at the technicalities of different models or offering a comparative analysis of those. It is an attempt to facilitate the reading of a Constitution, in search of Fundamental Rights, no matter what particular system of democratic governance, presidential or parliamentary, it has adopted.
It has been a year since the last day of national and international protest against faith based courts in Ontario and demands for the removal of family law from the 1991 Arbitration Act.
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign, now in its fifteenth year, is an international campaign originating from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.
The UN has been a galvanizing force for women in the past two decades, facilitating their efforts to define a comprehensive global agenda for peace and human rights, gender equality and women's empowerment, poverty eradication and sustainable development.
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