
A special transmission, on 27 May, by Feminist International Radio Endeavour (FIRE) on International Day of Action for Womens Health.
Amina Wadud, an Islamic scholar of repute from US led the mixed congregational prayer on 18th March 2005 in New York and also delivered khutba' (i.e. sermon).
The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is promoting this experts programme amongst female practitioners to ensure women with expertise and experience in working with victims of sexual violence and trauma, are on the roster.
A very relevant article from Catholics For A Free Choice 2001 newsletter 'Conscience' which discusses initiatives of faith-related feminist organizations to resist fundamentalisms & the importance of supporting, & networking with, these initiatives.
This toolkit aims to offer guidance to those seeking to establish legal justice for survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV), as well as for those in settings where legal justice is not yet a possibility.
Dans cet Appel à l’action, le RMFDR insiste sur la responsabilité du secteur de la santé publique à fournir une prévention et des soins fondés sur l’approche des soins de santé primaires et qui soient centrés sur les femmes.
The Women’s Access to Health Campaign mobilizes all those concerned with women’s health on 28 May, and all year around. It is time for governments to take responsibility for women’s health. Health for all, health for women!
KARAMAH - Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights is currently accepting applications for its summer Leadership Development Program which will take place from 11 July 11 - 5 August 2005.
WLUML is interested to note the similarities between the issues raised in this piece which focuses on the Latin American region - namely fundamentalisms, SAPs and shrinking of secular spaces - and those which we are concerned about and working on.
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