
Salman Rushdie comments that wherever religions get into society's driving seat, tyranny results.
Des femmes et des fillettes sans nombre, dans toutes les régions du monde, sont tombées sous les balles, blessées ou tuées.
Countless women and girls have been shot and killed or injured in every region of the world.
In March, the Progressive Muslim Union announced that Amina Wadud Muhsin would lead the yum'a prayers on Friday 18th of March in New York, delivering the khutba and leading the collective prayer.
This book discusses the experiences of women peacemakers in areas of conflicts and the role they can play in promoting peace.
Some liberal scholars want to open the explication of sacred texts to all. Others say the path to democracy lies elsewhere.
Widows’ Rights International supports organisations in South and West Asia and Africa working for social justice and human rights.
Suicide bombing in Islam? Just say "No" argues Amina from Lebanon.
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