
تشرع منظمة فلومل (النساء التي تعشن في ظل القوانين الاسلامية) حملة عالمية لوقف قتل ورجم النساء من أجل وضع حد لسوء الاستعمال بلا هوادة للدين والثقافة لتبرير الجرائم ضد النساء كعقاب لانتهاك "القوالب" المفروضة للسلوك الجنسي. ان قتل النساء -بأي حجة كانت- امر غ
"Irshad Manji is the internationally best-selling author of "The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in her Faith". Through a new lens, this questioning Muslim takes a journey to reconcile her faith in Allah with her love of freedom."
Elle se doutait bien, Irshad Manji, que la publication d’un livre pamphlétaire sous forme de lettre ouverte à " (ses) chers musulmans" allait bouleverser sa vie.
Des islamistes s'occupent de mariages arrangés d'épouses etre de filles des résistants en Irak et en Palestine.

This issue features articles on the launch of the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women! and our Feminism in the Muslim World Third Leadership Institute. This issue features networkers' submissions from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Burma, India and Pakistan, as well as book and film reviews, updates on solidarity cases and more.

This third and completely revised version of the "Knowing Our Rights" handbook is an essential resource for those taking a critical and questioning approach to rights, laws, and constructions of womanhood in Muslim countries and communities and beyond. "Knowing Our Rights" forms part of the international synthesis of the Women & Law in the Muslim world Programme and is based on some 10 years of field experience, research and analysis by multi-disciplinary teams of networkers in over 20 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

In the comic book "The 99", Muslim superheroes fight for a better world – and offend conservatives, reports Sonja Zekri.
"Islam et féminisme: Une appropriation mutuelle," par Malika Hamidi.
"We learn from history how many a deadly lion has emerged from the harem and how many hennaed hands have held the reigns of kingdoms..."
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