
An open message from Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Un projet dont le but est de constituer un réseau de femmes journalistes des deux rives de la Méditerranée.
Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) is a partner in this UDHR60 NGO campaign and will be participating with a special focus on the month of March, using International Women’s Day as an anchor. Get involved!
Êtes-vous un(e) activiste ou une organisation de lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel(le)s, transgenres et/ou intersexué(e)s qui souhaitez témoigner de vos actions ?
Each year, an estimated 19 million women and girls, faced with unintended or unwanted pregnancy, risk the deadly consequences of unsafe abortion.
Rights & Democracy is issuing a call for proposals for the conference “Family Law Reform and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries: Perspectives and Lessons learned” to be held in Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2008.
6 February is International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The day has been designated by the United Nations to raise awareness amongst the general public about this traditional practice which severely violates the human rights of women and girls.
Far-right political leaders from four EU nations have unveiled plans to form a pan-European "patriotic" party.
L'imam de la mosquée Al-Azhar, Cheikh Mohamed Tantaoui, a affirmé, hier, que l'Islam bannit catégoriquement le terrorisme et prône l'entraide et la solidarité pour servir les enfants de la nation musulmane.
Les familles algériennes ont payé un lourd tribut dans leur résistance et leur lutte contre le terrorisme. Elles qui ont été touchées dans leur chair ont donné une leçon de courage et de solidarité au monde entier.
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