
Statement of the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"Female heads of states, ministers, and heads of international organisations, business leaders, and civil society activists will discuss the twin themes of security and women's empowerment."
34 Arab human rights organisations issued a "total rejection" of the document that aims to impose new restrictions on the Arab Satellite channels.
Vient de sortir de presse un nouveau numéro de la revue «Alternatives Sud»: État des résistances dans le Sud - 2008.
"According to the Buddhist Leadership Initiative, almost 30 percent of monks in China, Cambodia and Laos have received training on HIV & AIDS."
La Campagne Internationale Contre les Crimes d'Honneur (ICAHK) vous annonce sa première publication « Un totalitarisme contre les femmes, Répercussions des crimes et du système de "l'honneur familial" sur les conditions de vie des femmes au Moyen-Orient».
Parvez Sharma spent six years traveling throughout the Muslim world, Europe and North America documenting the lives of gay and lesbian Muslims – many of them devout – who struggle to reconcile their faith with their sexuality.
Arab Charter for Satellite TV: Article 19 warns this will be a major setback to freedom of the press in the region.
Yann Barte découvrait le numéro de novembre du « Courrier de l’Atlas », avec son dossier consacré à l’islamophobie. Estimant ce choix non pertinent, il a souhaité expliquer pourquoi. Son collègue Naceureddine Elafrite lui répond. Débat.
The Intercultural Dialogue can be a good mechanism to voice, expose & condemn those practices that violate women’s rights and silence women’s voices. Intercultural dialogue and diversity of culture should be promoted in a way that respects women’s rights.
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