
Kit utilitaire pour l’action [Understanding and Challenging HIV Stigma : Toolkit for Action] - par Ross Kidd, Sue Clay, Chipo Chiiya, et Mutale Chonta.
"Sisterhood" is the collective name for a mixtape project of previously unreleased songs written by young up and coming female Muslim rappers, singers and poetesses from the UK, Europe and US.
Convocation médico-légale en réponse à des violences sexuelles, 2-5 juin 2008, Nairobi, Kenya
Isis International prepared the following statement for the ongoing UNCSW meeting in New York City on Financing for Development and Aid Effectiveness.
A new film produced by UNIFEM and the UNFPA takes on the culture of silence surrounding violence against women. Airing TONIGHT: Friday, April 18th 2008 at 19:30 GMT, on BBC World.
The EWIC Scholars Database is an invaluable listing of scholars from all over the world and from all disciplines whose work focuses on women, gender, and Islamic cultures.
"Few athletes will have overcome the obstacles 21-year-old Abdul-Razzaq has faced to reach the Beijing Olympics, from a sniper's bullets to a paucity of adequate training facilities and religious and cultural opposition to female athletes."
Auteur prolifique, l’intellectuel Malek Chebel publie un nouvel ouvrage’ Le Kama-Sutra Arabe. Une autre charge pour tordre le cou aux idées reçues et défendre son islam des lumières.
Coordinated by the Democratic Association of Moroccan Women (ADFM), the Coalition "Equality Without Reservation" includes over 600 Arab organizations and calls for the removal of all reservations to CEDAW and the ratification of the Optional Protocol.
Répondez à l’Appel de Rabat "Egalité sans réserve" et signez la pétition pour la levée des réserves sur la Convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les discriminations à l’égard des femmes CEDAW et la ratification de son protocole facultatif.
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