
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws network is extremely dismayed to learn of the untimely death of our friend and ally, Toni Kassim. We extend our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
The Vatican issued its most explicit decree so far against the ordination of women priests on Thursday, punishing them and the bishops who try to ordain them with automatic excommunication.
Selon le décret publié jeudi, "celui qui se risquera à attribuer l'ordre sacré à une femme, comme la femme qui aura osé recevoir l'ordre sacré, risque l'excommunication 'latae sentantiae'".
Apprendre par l'expérience - Date limite : 13 juin 2008
Manuel de formation - Donner aux jeunes femmes le pouvoir d'initier le changement / YWCA mondiale & UNFPA
"La peine de mort: Elle fait partie de l’arsenal judiciaire dans certains pays musulmans. Or, dans le Coran, Dieu dit que celui qui tue un homme, c’est comme s’il tuait tous les hommes (Coran 5.32)."
In 2008 the WGNRR Regional consultation meeting in Africa will be linked to the AWID Forum.
Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies under lens at sexuality institute.
The agencies expressed their concern about the “medicalization” of the practice, whereby it is performed by health professionals in health facilities, and the belief that it enhances a girl's chastity and chances of marriage by controlling her sexuality.
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