
In addition to the work of multi-national institutions, the theory is that national gender machinery can play an important role in the struggle to protect and promote women’s rights. Catherine Albertyn argues that national machinery for the advancement of women “… consists of structures, mechanisms, and strategies for achieving equality for women as participants, decision makers and beneficiaries in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of life.”

"Surfacing..." is a compilation of papers that came out of the ARROW symposium on the theme at the 4th APCRSH in Hyderabad last year.
Du 23 - 27 mars 2009, les militantes africaines francophones des droits des femmes se réuniront à Lomé au Togo, pour échanger et discuter de la situation des droits des femmes dans la région et re-dynamiser le mouvement des femmes africaines francophones.
Research findings of the "Bridging the Gap" survey in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.
L'Iranien, Mansour Hekmat, de son vrai, nom Zhoobin Razani, décédé en 2002 d'un cancer, a créé le Parti communiste ouvrier d'Irak lorsqu'il s'était réfugié dans ce pays.
"Here is an unassailable truth: if sexual violence is not addressed during the course of a conflict, then sexual violence will haunt the post-conflict period, and make of the ostensible peace a mockery for half the population."
Join the authors to celebrate the publication of their new book – Sexuality, Health and Human Rights (Routledge, London and New York, August 2008).
Vendredi 19 septembre 2008 - Intervention de Soad BEKKOUCHE, Initiative Féministe Européenne (IFE/EFI).
"The first lady of Qatar walked up to the podium in a luxury hotel banquet room and sized up the crowd of mostly wealthy businessmen. "Do not be afraid to take risks and to try," she told them. 'Think out of the box.'"
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