International: Publication: "Surfacing: Selected Papers on Religious Fundamentalisms and Their Impact on Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights"

"Surfacing..." is a compilation of papers that came out of the ARROW symposium on the theme at the 4th APCRSH in Hyderabad last year.
In these papers, Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Jashodhara Dasgupta, Kalpana Kannabiran and Zaitun Mohammad Kasim articulate the impact of Roman Catholic, Hindu and Islamic fundamentalisms on sexual and reproductive health and rights in their countries and sub-regional contexts, and begin the discussion on strategies for addressing these obstacles. Michael Tan, in his synthesis, draws out the convergences around the various types and forms of religious fundamentalisms across the region. The book concludes with Rashidah Abdullah's paper on ways to move forward toward meeting the challenges of religious fundamentalisms, while ensuring that our advocacies are contextualised in the spiritual lives of a large majority of women in the Asia-Pacific region.
Surfacing is now available on ARROW's website, Alternatively, you can download the publication directly from

The print copy will be out by the 1st week of November and will be launched it at the AWID Forum in Cape Town, together with other publications by ARROW, APCASO, IWRAW Asia Pacific and WHRAP South Asia. For those of you coming to AWID, please join this event which is:

* from 7-9 p.m. on the 14th of November 2008
* at Fountains Hotel, Suites & Conference Centre, 1 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town, South Africa

Source: Asian-Pacific Resources and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)