
A call for equality and justice "in the Muslim family" is being launched by a group of Muslim scholars and activists who insist that in the 21st century "there cannot be justice without equality" between men and women.
Writer on race and politics, Kenan Malik, argues that twenty years on it is time we laid to rest the myths of the Rushdie affair.
Le premier numéro du bulletin trimestriel Dynamiques Genre, publié par le programme « Promouvoir l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans la région euroméditerranéenne » vient de voir le jour.
This new website will be a resource to share documents and information about donor-supported work with a particular focus on sharing lessons learned and programs that support communities worldwide to enable them to abandon FGM/C within a generation.
The UN Special Rapporteur has devoted particular attention to religion-based personal laws.
The World Social Forum ended its ninth edition Sunday in Belém with its "Assembly of assemblies" adopting dozens of resolutions and proposals to be the subjects of a programme of mobilisations around the world in 2009.
EWIC is interested in inviting broad participation in the writing of Encyclopedia entries, including qualified graduate students.
'On the way to improved legal reality' is the last in a three-part series on women's rights in the Arab world.
The crisis we are confronting now poses challenges for feminisms, bringing to the forefront issues of economic justice, inter culturality, reproduction, sexuality and fundamentalisms.
En Afrique, les femmes ne constituent que 9% des parlementaires contre une moyenne internationale de 13,4%.
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