
The global 'Stop Killing and Stoning Women!' campaign is initiated to address the intensifying trend of cultural and religious legitimization of lethal violence against women.
In Nov. 2007, over 100 human rights defenders from some 80 countries gathered in Dublin for the 4th Front Line Platform for Human Rights Defenders. Click for the keynote address from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Louise Arbour.
In his long and detailed plea for a secular Islamic Studies, Tilman Nagel calls on the discipline to emancipate itself from the Muslim understanding of Mohammed if it wants to get closer to historical reality.
From 14-17 November 2008, up to 1500 women's rights leaders and activists from around the world will converge on Cape Town, South Africa at the 11th AWID International Forum to discuss the power of movements. Deadline to apply: 28 Jan 2008
Du 14 au 17 novembre 2008, près de 1500 activistes des droits des femmes du monde entier se réuniront dans la Ville du Cap, en Afrique du Sud, pour le 11 Forum International de l'AWID pour de discuter sur le pouvoir des mouvements sociaux.
"Quelque 60% des djihadistes étrangers combattant au sein de l'insurrection en Irak viennent d'Arabie Saoudite et de Libye, “deux pays alliés des États-Unis”, a écrit le New York Times, citant des responsables militaires américains."
Experts at the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights paint an apocalyptical vision of the Asian region where 163 million women are ‘missing’
At 10:00 AM (GMT +2) watch the launch of the 'Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women!' live.
SexPolitics - Reports from the Front Lines is the outcome of a project launched by Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) in 2004: a transnational, cross-cultural research initiative that hoped to capture some dynamics of sexual politics in our time.
The Global Campaign will be launched on 26 November 2007, at 10 AM, at Bilgi University in Istanbul. Speakers at the launch include: Shadi Sadr, Ayesha Imam, Sri Wiyanti Eddyono, Nebahat Akkoç, Yakin Ertürk, and Farida Shaheed.
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