
"En France et ailleurs, certaines pratiques des musulmans semblent contestables ou dérangent. Ces pratiques sont elles l’Islam "véritable"?": Interview avec un specialiste de l'Islam, Professeur Mahmoud Azab.
"A controversial film about gay Muslims is more a labour of love than a call to arms."
This handbook, written by Global Fund staff, explores key ideas about raising money to fund women's rights work. It is especially designed for first-time fundraisers and for women's groups in developing countries.
About 50 representatives from across Muslim Asia called for greater understanding and more decisive action on HIV & AIDS in Sri Lanka in mid-August.
The first Iranian veiled female football referee, Nadereh Doroudian, will judge the second West Asian women football games in Jordan.
WLUML founding member Farida Shaheed discusses the campaign to end stoning in Iran.
Interview du gynécologue-obstétricien Israël Nisand, qui dénonce la pratique de l’hyménoplastie.
3rd I Films Co-presents: "My Daughter the Terrorist", 21 September 2007, 7:30pm.
Appel à participation: Institut des jeunes femmes de l'AWID sur la Résistance et l'Opposition aux Fondamentalismes Religieux, du 18 au 21 novembre 2007, Istanbul, Turquie.
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