Law reform

Faith-based arbitration seen by some as authoritarian, sexist, anti-democratic.
Le projet du gouvernement de doter le Tchad d’un nouveau code de la famille interdisant certaines pratiques telles que la flagellation d’une épouse, soulève une vague de protestations dans le pays.
African women's rights organizations are leading an innovative campaign to get countries to ratify a protocol that specifically protects women's human rights. Show your solidarity with them by writing to African heads of state to urge them to ratify it.
WLUML vous demande d’envoyer RAPIDEMENT des lettres de soutien aux mouvements féministes canadiens, et particulièrement aux mouvements de femmes dont les familles viennent de sociétés musulmanes, dans leur lutte pour résister à l’introduction de prétendus « tribunaux Charia » pour résoudre les questions familiales au Canada.
A government plan to give conservative Chad a new family law banning practices such as beating wives has provoked uproar.
Allowing religious law to apply in the arbitration of family matters in Ontario could violate Canada's international human rights obligations and set a dangerous precedent with national and international repercussions for women's equality rights.
WLUML asks you URGENTLY to send letters of support to Canadian women’s organisations, in particular organisations of women whose families come from Muslim societies, in their struggle to resist the introduction of so-called ‘Shari’a Courts’ in the resolution of family matters in Canada.
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