Law reform

Islah (reform) as sulh signifies peaceful action which leads to reconciliation and accord. Sulh is sometimes rendered as consensus, a democratic precept by any other name.
New publication from Women for Women's Human Rights (WWHR) - NEW WAYS detailing the success of two nationwide campaigns.
WLUML has received a call for action from friends in Turkey following the recent Turkish Penal Code reform and urges you to respond.
In a major step toward granting women political rights, lawmakers agreed on Tuesday to permit women to vote and compete in local council elections, but the measure requires more legislative action before it would become a law.
Non au projet de loi sur les relations matrimoniales ! C’est le cri du cœur des musulmans ougandais, qui ont marqué leur désapprobation du texte en manifestant, mardi dernier, dans les rues de la capitale.
Lors d'une conférence de presse, l'organisation Droits et Démocratie a expliqué les conséquences de l'application des lois religieuses par les tribunaux d'arbitrage en Ontario.
Last week the six-party religious alliance that constitutes one-fifth of parliament introduced a bill seeking a complete ban on women in advertising. The move follows the MMA's recent successes in stopping women from participating in outdoor sports.
To religious issues in Australia now, and Muslim leaders in Perth are planning to set up a special court under Sharia law to settle disputes in divorce proceedings.
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